on Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries
31 Mar-2 Apr 2025 Concarneau (France)

Call for abstracts > Abstract submission

Abstract submission

Thank you for your interest in the Kerguelen Plateau Symposium 2025. Please follow these guidelines to submit your abstract. The abstract submission deadline is Sunday, 8 December 2024, 23:59 CET.

Submissions should be made in English. Please indicate the context, the objective, the methods used and the results of your research. Please indicate the theme to which you submit your abstract and your preference for a poster presentation or for an oral presentation.

Depending on the number of submitted abstracts, oral presentations may to be restricted to one per first author. We would welcome early career researchers to submit both an oral and a poster presentation.

Please use this template for your abstract. 

For inquiries related to the call of abstracts, the programme, or the registration, please contact kps2025@thalassa.one


How to submit an abstract to the KPS2025 Symposium

To submit your abstract to the Kerguelen Plateau Symposium 2025, first you have to create an account on ScienceConf. For information on how to create yout account on ScienceConf, please follow the instructions at this page.

Once your ScienfConf account is created, come back to the Symposium website click on the "login" button on the top right side and then submit your abstract. If you do not see the "login" button or have problems with adding your affiliation, follow these instructions.


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